Our Communication 


Communicating and reporting to our community

At Carterton School, we believe that caregivers and whānau play an important role in their child’s education. Our reporting process is designed to be informative, robust and aims to reinforce that we are working in collaboration with you in order to gain success for each child. 

Mid and End of Year Reports

Reporting at Carterton School is completed twice a year. Each child will receive a written report about aspects of their learning Terms Two and Four. These reports are published on the Hero app in your child's profile. To access these reports, simply log in with your email address and password and click on your child's image. The report is visible with student and teacher comments along with a tracking graphs for Maths, Reading and Writing.

Caregiver & Teacher Hui

As a school, we also report to parents through three-way conferencing (parent, student teacher) mid and end of year. These meetings are designed to provide whānau, students, and teachers the opportunity to ask questions about their child’s learning and development and for us to learn more about your child in order to support their learning more effectively. 

Parents are welcome to arrange a meeting with their child’s teacher at any point to discuss their child’s progress.