New enrolments

Information for new entrants:


When should I enrol my child?
Your child can start kura (school) in New Zealand between age 5 and 6. All children must be enrolled at school by their sixth birthday.

Enrolling (or expressing your interest to enrol) early helps us with our planning for classrooms and kaiako. 

How do I enrol my child?
Enrolments are made by getting in touch with our school administration team in the front office. Our team can organise the paperwork required to enrol your child and assist with any questions you may have.

I have seen your kura online and I would like to check out the grounds before enrol, can I have a tour?
Of course! We would love to invite you to come have a look around our kura. If you get in touch with our school office, we can arrange a time with you to walk around with our Prinicpal and/or Deputy Principal and they are happy to answer any questions you may have.

We have two learning environments: Ākonga Māori and Mainstream. We encourage you to view both before making the final decision about where your child would be most suited to learn and thrive in. 

On these tours, you can bring in your child too or just yourself. Whatever is easy for you.


When enrolling at Carterton School, we need:

SCHOOL VISITS (once enrolled)

We encourage all tamariki to have at least three visits to our kura before they start. This helps your child to become familiar with their new learning space, form relationships with their peers and kaiako and begin to understand routines and school life.

These visits are made by the school office with consultation with kaiako and whānau. 

Due to tamariki only being four years old, they must have a parent or family member or ECE teacher onsite during the visit. They are not required to be in the classroom and may bring work or a book and sit in the staffroom during the visit.

Carterton School Prospectus 2023.pdf

2025 Prospectus coming soon

School Online Agreement .docx.pdf

School Online Agreement 

Blanket Consent for EOTC.docx.pdf

Blanket Consent for EOTC

Digital equipment & user agreement.pdf

Digital Aggreement 

new dental form 2023.pdf

Dental Form

Leave Application Form for Student 2024.pdf

Leave Form 

If for any reason, you need to take your child out of kura for an appointment, holiday, event etc, please complete a Leave form. 

This is so your child's kaiako, the school office and the Prinicpal are all aware of your child's absence. If there is any issues with the leave requested we will be in touch.

2023 police vet form pdf.pdf

Police Vetting

Police Vetting is required for any adult going on an overnight camp or driving/ accompanying students on day trips

Only pages 3 & 4 need to be completed. Please hand into the school office along with Proof of ID and address.