School Uniform

Why is there a uniform at Carterton School?

The Board Of Trustees, through its community consultation, asked several years ago if the introduction of a school uniform was desirable and the response was overwhelmingly in favour. All students are expected to wear the School Uniform to Carterton School. 

Our school uniform maintains our identity as a kura and keeps us united as one. The uniform has been designed to be easily recognisable as Carterton School while out and about in public spaces whilst also maintaining some individuality with students and whanau having a choice of pants, shorts, skirt or skort. 

What is the Carterton School uniform?

Tops, Jerseys, Vests & Jackets:

Junior: (Year 0-6)

Senior: (Year 7 & 8)



Hats & Beanies:

Where do I buy uniform items?The uniform can be purchased from New Zealand Uniforms, 72 Ngaumutawa Road, Masterton or shop online

The polar fleece, green polo (Junior) and green/navy polo (Senior) are embroidered and unique to Carterton School. These are only available at NZ Uniform Shop or at our 2nd Hand Shop at Carterton School.

Navy pants, skirts, shorts or skorts can be purchased from anywhere as long as they are plain and with no visible logo.

If you feel you may need help in purchasing uniforms then you may be eligible for Work and Income NZ (WINZ) assistance. You can contact WINZ by phoning Masterton 06 946 0088 or visiting the Masterton Office in Lincoln Road.

Are there 2nd hand uniform items available somewhere?
Good second-hand uniforms are available through the PTA 2nd Hand Uniform Shop.  The shop is onsite in the old Dental Clinic building next to the hall. 

Opening hours vary - check our Facebook page, newsletter or get in touch via to request a time to view the shop. 

Items are at a heavily discounted rate and all funds recieved go back into the kura via the PTA. 

Additionally, some uniform may be found at the local op shops in Carterton.

Frequently Asked Questions:
What about jewellery or make up?
A wristwatch, taonga or pounamu necklace, medical bracelet and small unobtrusive ear studs are permitted, but other jewellery is not to be worn.
Nail polish and make-up are not to be worn.

What happens on sport days?
The school uniform will be worn for P.E. and school based sport, but children and teams representing the school will be allocated a green sports top where possible. Students are recommended to have appropriate sports footwear for offsite sporting events, cross country and athletics.

My child has lost their hat, where is the Lost Property?
Lost Property is located in the school office. Please check here if your child is missing any items. Named items will be returned to your child during class time. Some classrooms also have their own lost property containers.

I have 2nd Hand Uniform that my child doesn't need, am I able to donate it back to the school?
Yes! We are always happy to accept good, clean 2nd hand uniform. Our PTA will put it back into the shop where all funds recieved go back into the kura. Some items will be kept as spares in the office or classroom for accidents or if students get muddy or wet at play times.

My child's jersey is in the wash and it's cold, can they wear another non-uniform jersey for the day?
Yes. Please send along a note with your child if they have a particular item of the uniform they can't wear for the day. We do have a few spares to lend where needed but expect them to be back in their regular uniform as soon as possible.

Friendly reminder: Labelling your child's items.
Please label all items of clothing including footwear. Names may wear off over time so please check each term they are still labelled. This helps to return items to their owner quicker and reduces the amount of lost property.