
Our Student Management and Reptorting System Hero

This information video has been created by the HERO team. It outlines a number of features that the HERO app enables for parents, teachers and students.
Please note: Some of the features will be turned on and used at later stages when staff have received professional development on their use.

This information video has been created by the HERO team. It outlines a number of features that the HERO app enables for parents, teachers and students.
Please note: Some of the features will be turned on and used at later stages when staff have received professional development on their use.

Follow the instructions below to sign up 

Logging In to LINC-ED Hero
(new users)

1. Download the Hero by Linc-Ed app from the app store.
Note: Use the keywords Hero-LINC-ED when searching for the app.
Alternatively, open your browser and enter go.linc-ed.com

2. Click NEW USER.

3. Enter the email address you have provided the school and click REQUEST PASSWORD LINK.

If your email address is not accepted, please contact the school office.

4. You will receive a message confirming a password email has been sent.

5. Open your email inbox and click on the Hero Password Reset email.
If you do not receive a Hero Password Reset email, check your spam folder.

6. Open the email and click RESET MY PASSWORD.

7. Enter a secure password (8 or more characters), verify this password then click SET PASSWORD.

8. You will receive a confirmation message. Click SIGN IN.

9. Enter your email address and your newly set password. If you are using a public device or do not want your password auto-saved, tick This is a public device.

Click SIGN IN.


1. You will see Community notices. If the text is long, you may need to click read more to view the whole message.