Team Kahikatea

Year 7 & 8

Ken Bailey
Teacher & Team Leader
Room 13: Year 7 & 8

Josh Vergunst
Room 14: Year 7 & 8

Tika Patrie
Room 13 & 14: Year 7 & 8

Team Kahikatea is a collaborative and engaging learning environment for Year 7 and 8 tamariki.  

Our Team’s focus is to create independent, life long learners who are motivated and driven to do their best in all areas of school life.  

Team Kahikeata’s program is designed to allow students to try new things, be independent, build self-awareness and provide opportunities for students to develop responsibilities and leadership skills.  

Our Senior Hub programme involves opportunities in EOTC, sporting events, Technology at Makoura College and events across the South Wairarapa and Wairarapa. Communication between whanau, teacher and student is an essential component which is valued in our Senior Hub.

Year 7 and 8 Prospectus 2020.pdf
Year 7 & 8 at Carterton School