Ākonga Māori
New Entrant - Year 8
Ākonga Māori - New Entrant to Year 8
Ākonga Māori provides a Māori enrichment learning environment and programme. With two whānau based classes, tamariki support one another and naturally create tuakana - teina relationships, strengthing their connection to their kura. Te Reo Māori, Tikanga Māori and Te Ao Māori are central to this culturally responsive environment.
Ākonga Māori is a special learning place where Māori is celebrated. Māori language, culture, heritage and identity are recognised as essential components to our heritage and unique to Aotearoa.
Open to all ākonga:
Ākonga Māori is open to all learners of any cultural descent or background. There is no need for any prior knowledge or understanding of Te Reo, just an interest in learning Te Reo Māori and Māori culture.
This learning environment has proved to be effective and successful, and provides positive outcomes and achievements – providing all learners with the opportunity to get what they require to realise their own unique potential and succeed in their lives as Māori and New Zealanders.
The Ākonga Māori classes continue to follow the New Zealand Curriculum and the learning in reading, writing and maths is taught in English.
Keen to learn more or have a toronga?
If you are interested, or would like to discuss how Ākonga Māori could support your tamariki, please see:
Hera Taylor (Kaiako) htaylor@carterton.school.nz
Jo Taia (Team Leader of Ākonga Māori) jtaia@carterton.school.nz
Lesley Standish (Kapa haka and CRT) lstandish@carterton.school.nz
or any of our whānau who are part of the Ākonga Māori.
Alternatively, get in touch with Jules, Lisa or Kerry in the school office to arrange a time to have a school tour and classroom visit. We can be reached on 06 379 4010 or admin@carterton.school.nz