Team Kōwhai
Years 4, 5 & 6
The structure of 'Middle School':
Team Kōwhai is our Year 4, 5 and 6 students. Carterton School aims to provide the best possible platform for learning through a structured programme in literacy and numeracy. We want each student to be confident, capable, and to have the skills to be life long learners.
Creating independent and life-long learners:
We aim for all of our students to be actively participating in their own learning. This means students are actively involved in making choices, asking and answering questions, being curious, problem solving, having opinions and having fun.
Student Voice is a valued component of our teaching and learning with students understanding and articulating their own learning needs and desires.
As a team we often join together to celebrate and acknowledge all the wonderful things our students are doing. Team Kōwhai believes that all students should strive to be "The best they can be."